Bursts of Colour

5" by 5" (13cm by 13cm) - smalti 

I completed this wee mosaic a few days after my Santorini Mosaic Workshop came to an end. This piece was a sample piece that I created for demonstation purposes, and it was time for the mosaic to finish that important job and take on a new life as a completed mosaic artwork.

Once again, the workshop was an amazing time. From mosaic newbies to experienced mosaic artists, everyone produced absolutely incredible work, and each piece was an entirely unique creation. I just love how students take the techniques and RUN with them. They had an enormous "buffet" of smalti to choose from, and many of the students brought special items with them to incorporate into their mosaics. I was kept busy teaching and hosting all week, and I take the latter job just as seriously as the first, so there was lots of food prep, cleaning, and making sure everyone had exactly what they needed for a successful workshop. 

The closing party was also an incredible time, with heaps of fresh seafood and fish, oodles of sides, and wine and ouzo abounding. The gang left with new friendships, ideas for new projects, and new technical mosaic abilities. Now, the clean up done, the last folks seen off, I can have a bit of down time before my next adventure. 

Hard at work!

Working away in the Roof Garden studio space

Dispensing a teaching moment

Fabulous work by all! (and one dang proud instructor)

Closing Celebration: We can't eat another bite! 🐟

If you are interested to join me in Perissa, Santorini next year for one of the two mosaic workshops I have planned, you can find all the information here, or email me and I'll send you a PDF brochure.
