Running With It

14mm diameter - Mosaic gold and filati in sterling silver
$250 USD

About four years ago, I went for a run here in Santorini, not knowing that it would be my last for a very long while. My back issues, which had been annoying, but manageable at that time, became all encompassing shortly after that run. The next year would one of the more challenging years of my life, as I learned about the inner workings and horror that is chronic pain. I have regularly used running and physical exercise as a way to manage my mental health as well as my physical health, so it was mentally and emotionally draining to not be able to take proper exercise.

But here I am, 4 years later, with a LOT more knowledge about my body and what it needs. I have tools, skills, and do a ton of preventative body work. I am pain free 95% of the time, or the pain is negligible.One of the things I've started doing the past few months is getting 10,000 steps a day with zeal, and a goal of potentially starting to run again. Today, I attempted it. I ran—slowly— three one minute intervals with a minute of walking in between. It felt good. 

I'm a bit of a believer in the notion of use it or lose it when it comes to movement. If you don't use your movement capabilities to their fullest, they will slowly diminish. If you don't walk much, walking gets harder. If you don't lift things and tax your muscles a bit, they get weaker, especially now that age is becoming a factor. So I'll be adding in these running intervals of a minute into my walk, starting slow like I did today, and adding more when I believe it's safe. 

What I haven't tested yet is how I feel when I start creating mosaics again. I had such a push to create new work for the online course I filmed in mid May that when I got to Santorini a couple weeks later, I decided to take a break and focus on other aspects of my business. But I have reason to believe that I can manage that new physical load as well. 

Speaking of that course, all courses are currently on sale at Mosaic Arts Online for 10% off. This includes my Elevated Mosaic Jewelry, Smalti Mosaic Jewelry, and Shag Rug Mosaic courses. Learn mosaic in your own space, at your own pace! You get lifetime access to the course so you can refer back to it over and over. Use discount code SUMMER2024 in the coupon code box during checkout so you can claim your discount. 
