Oddly Suited

16mm square - Mosaic gold and smalti in sterling silver
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It may seem strange, since I'm a nomadic wanderer of this planet, but I am strangely suited to the Time of Covid. I can work just about anywhere, so I can continue to work easily from where I am currently staying, though at this stage I'm mainly producing stock for the future rather than selling. My motivation is not quite the usual, but I'm still getting SOME work done most days. So I've not had the work from home adjustment that others have had. I've been working where I live, wherever that may be, for 6 years now, longer if you count my years working from home when I had a permanent residence.

But how we are all now living—not seeing each other, staying apart—is par for the course for me. I regularly don't see some family and friends for a year or more. I keep in touch with texts, with video chats, and have been doing so for years now. The way we are all communicating during this craziness is my normal. It's how I've maintained my important relationships while I meander. In fact, in some cases, I'm getting more "face time" with some friends than I have in ages. And my 8 year old inner child is thrilled to be spending so much time with her big sister. 

The one part I do find hard is to be parted from my love without a time frame of how long that separation will be. Up until now we always have had a future date to focus on. This time that is impossible. But even we have always had large chunks of time where this is our normal too, so our relationship is luckily more prepared than than many out there for this unexpected interruption. 

Keep up the communicating, everyone! We need each other more than ever. 
