Keep Calm and Carry On

16mm by 16mm - Mosaic gold in sterling silver
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Well, I am on day 8 of self quarantine. Or is it 9. What day is it again?

So far I have passed the time watching tv, watching a lot of news (unsurprisingly), and visiting (from afar) with people. I'm also working on my sudoku best time, subscribed to the New York Times Crossword, and had more than a couple glasses of wine. 

It's not all fun and games though. My workspace has been set up, and I'm back to making pretty things. I'm sore today because I've worked out for the past three days. I've already cooked multiple dinners, made bread, and mentally semi planned mostly food for another week. My sister and I are supporting as many locale business as we can by ordering wine and restaurant delivery.

What I've fallen down on? MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS!! I'm claiming extenuating circumstances, and I'm only a day late on this post to be fair. The Greek learning has taken a bit of a back seat, but my practice partner has been a bit distracted, and is in another country. I'll get back to it in a few days, I imagine, because I do find it fun.

We are living in a challenging time, but I think it helps to try to remind ourselves that it's not forever, even if the news seems really dire, and the journey long. Try to stay calm, and try to find something for your brain, something for your body, something for your soul, and some way to connect with each other (from an appropriate physical distance). 

We can do this, everyone. 
