Looking Forward

12mm diameter - Mosaic gold, smalti in sterling silver
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It's now been over 5 years since I became a nomad. I would never imagined that this is where life would lead me when I packed my bags in 2014 and set out to Europe for three months. I met many remarkable people on that trip, some of whom I have the pleasure of still knowing. They showed me that life could be lived differently than I had always believed/imagined. When I set out, I expected to travel for the three months, then come back home, rent an apartment, and carry out the business of living. When I came back though, I knew in my heart of hearts I wasn't "done". And so this life was born. 

If the last 5 years have taught me anything, it's to expect the unexpected. If you had told me when I went to the airport on April 29, 2014 that in five years I'd never really quit travelling, that I'd end up living part time in Greece, that not living in Canada full time would ultimately "work" better for me than my previous life, I wouldn't have believed you. If you had told me I would end up with "homes" in multiple countries, have friends all over the globe, and regularly have up to five currencies in my purse, I'd think you were mad. Yet all this has happened, and much more. Life can be so unexpected. And so, I'm looking forward to the next 5 years. Will I keep travelling? Will I settle down? I certainly won't guess anymore, but I'm sure excited to find out. 
