Cascading Aubergine

65mm by 20mm - Mosaic gold, amethyst quarts points in sterling silver
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One of the places I spent time in during my blogging hiatus was Australia. I enjoyed Australia the first time round, and was very pleased to return. I try as much as possible to use local mosaic suppliers for my mosaic workshops, and was thrilled to find that an Australian supplier had gotten her hands on some deep purple mosaic gold—I had only ever found a similar, but somewhat lighter purple in Venice, directly from the Orsoni factory. This deep purple was SOO rich, and allowed me to produce the subtle gradient you see here, and use these lovely amethyst quartz points I had been carrying with me for a few years. Sadly, as of writing this, Mosaic Bazaar is out of this delicious colour, but hope springs eternal that it will one day be available again.
