"The Blues of Nature"

7" by 5"- Marble, lapis lazuli, celestine, cyanite, sodalite
I enjoyed the challenge of working in one color in all natural materials, so I've decided to try it in a few colors.  Here is that concept in nature's blues.  Although I like the design I came up with, I wish I had used slightly smaller marble pieces, which I think would have put more focus on the cyanite and lapis segments.  One thing I do love about this project is how much I learn!


Eric said…
Awesome work! I used to have some jeans like frayed and worn just like that once upon a time.
Anonymous said…
These are not mosaiics. These are crap! Explore the web and learn what mosaics really are!
Margo Anton said…
In what way are these not mosaics? I'd be pleased for you to show me a site or two of what you see as mosaic.
Carrie said…
Wow. I'd be interested in knowing what "Anonymous" believes constitutes a 'real' mosaic! Pretty offensive statement and without much to back it up, it seems. I happen to love your mosaics and I find your work inspiring. Keep it up!