"Sedimentary, My Dear" - SOLD

7" by 6" - Eco Smalti, marble, mosaic gold

February 26: Wow, a picture that looks right. I really enjoyed making this one after the purple of the previous day. Don't get me wrong, I love purple, but warmer tones are often my favorites. Like a couple of other daily mosaics, this one could result in a large piece some day.
February 25: Alright, this one will have to be a surprise for tomorrow. I didn't manage to finish this one before dark, and thus, my picture is just crap. No amount of color correcting will help it, and what I can manage isn't even good enough to post as a teaser....so tomorrow I will be posting TWO mosaics. I'm actually pretty pleased with today's so I don't want to spoil it by putting up a terrible photo.
